Vanguard Life Ticker

We wanted to create something a bit more emotional to show that Vanguarding is different than "just investing" so we used the symbol for typical Wall street behavior, the stock ticker, and made our own symbol to represent the feeling of being a Vanguard client. The life ticker.

Team - ACD/CW Ben Butler, ACD/AD Mary O’Keefe, Producer Dennis McKinley, ECD Me

This was the :60 film that introduced the ticker and asked people to create their own ticker using social media.

This video shows how the videos can take a user from a banner to the microsite where they can build their own Life Ticker.

A Vanguard client talks about some horrible band names and created his own Life Ticker.

A Vanguard client discusses what flying and Vanguarding means to him.

In this video a Vanguard client takes her Life Ticker kayaking.